
The WestSlope Chapter of Trout Unlimited (Chapter #056) is one of the largest TU chapters in the country with over 950 members. When you join Trout Unlimited you will be assigned a chapter based on your zip code or you can request joining our chapter by asking for Chapter 056 membership.

Trout Unlimited is a national organization of about 200,000 members in 387 chapters. With a budget of about $50,000,000, Trout Unlimited puts 87% of that into direct conservation work. In Missoula, we are fortunate to have six full-time TU national staff based here. They provide our Chapter with technical and funding advice and arrange for the actual work to be done.

To join Trout Unlimited, click here. Or come to a Chapter meeting and we will give you a free one-year membership. Or simply email Brandon, the chapter president, at with your complete contact information (name, mailing address, email and phone number) and we’ll sign you up.

If you are already a member and want to gift someone a membership, simply send Brandon the person’s information and we will get them signed up—no matter where in the country they live. The larger and stronger Trout Unlimited is, the more we can accomplish.