Chapter Meetings

 Our monthly meetings are part of the glue that holds the chapter together and are vitally important to our mission of fly fishing education and cold water conservation. These meetings are FREE and everyone is welcome!

The chapter meetings take place at The Still Room,
1609 W Broadway. Missoula 6:30pm


January 8, 2025 Chapter Meeting: 


 From Our Beloved Blackfoot River to Brazil's Agua Boa: Fly Fishing Adventure & Conservation.

Get ready for a night of fly fishing adventure and conservation! Our upcoming Trout Unlimited chapter meeting will feature two fantastic presentations:

Fly Fishing the Agua Boa River in Brazil – Explore the thrill of chasing peacock bass in the Amazon basin! Presented by the dynamic duo, John and Terri Herzer, owners of Blackfoot River Outfitters, who will share their recent experiences and tips on this exotic fishing destination.


Conservation Projects on the Blackfoot River – Learn about the ongoing efforts to restore and protect our beloved Blackfoot River.Ryen Neudecker, the Big Blackfoot Conservation Coordinator, will give us an inside look at the latest projects making a difference for trout habitat. Plus we'll discuss 2025 projects. These people know the Blackfoot well. Bring your questions and concerns. 

 Pictured below: Before and after photos of Poorman Creek upgrades
  Pictured below: Wild Blackfoot River Cutthroat and The Big Blackfoot River. PC: LaurieLane

Whether you're a seasoned angler or just love hearing great stories, this is an event you won’t want to miss! Join us for an evening of inspiration, camaraderie, and a shared passion for wild places and wild fish.

Refreshments will be provided, and admission is free!

See you there!